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Reserve a seat now to join our last live Q&A session scheduled for Tuesday, July 23rd.
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Price Increases In:


Price increases on July 12th.

imagine Finally...

using Tana as a Powerful
tool for thought

Bring order to the chaos of modern knowledge work

What if you could build your ideal productivity system in Tana in a way that didn't feel overcomplicated and time-consuming?

Turn your productivity system into your unfair advantage.

Elevate your potential through the latest tech for knowledge work.

Give your best ideas a home where they can thrive.

Elevate your productivity and creativity with Tana, the only tool you need to streamline your entire digital life.

Build custom systems, manage projects like a pro, and integrate cutting-edge AI without ever writing a line of code.

Every feature is designed to enhance your efficiency and insight.

Maybe you...

Feeling Overwhelmed by New Tools?

We've got you covered

It's completely normal to feel frustrated or annoyed when facing the learning curve of a powerful tool like Tana.

Perhaps you're worried about the time it takes to master, or the integration challenges with your current workflow.

We get it — and we've tailored our course specifically to smooth out these bumps, ensuring you gain mastery without the stress.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Conquer it.

What if you could master Tana...

  • ...without being a tech expert.
  • ...without any prior experience in knowledge management.
  • ...without spending countless hours trying to decipher advanced features all by yourself.

Worried About Time?

Starting with Tana might seem like a major time commitment.

You might think, "Do I really have the time to learn something this comprehensive?"

We structure our course to fit into busy schedules, with bite-sized learning modules and flexible access.

Every minute you invest brings you closer to mastery and efficiency.

Turn time into your ally, not your enemy.


Santi’s easy-going, warm, friendly style coupled with extensive knowledge makes him a great teacher for curious and willing students.

David Todd

Intimidated by Tana's Features?

The vast array of features in Tana can seem intimidating at first glance.

"How will I ever use all these features effectively?" you might ask.

Our course demystifies each feature, showing you practical ways to use them that directly benefit your workflow.
We make the complex simple.

Master complexity, step by step.



Your one-stop learning hub to master Tana

Tana One is a live experience where week to week we take you through every step needed to master your work with Tana.

We'll take you from feeling frustrated with your productivity system, to instead...

  • ...getting ahead of your competition with a maxed-out productivity machine in Tana.
  • ...being able to build your own personalized solutions in Tana.
  • ...having an all-in-one solution so that you don't ever lose track of your best ideas.

This course is so much better than the tutorials that come with Tana!

Paul Choo

Master the basics

So that you can truly benefit from Tana's full potential

You can make the most of Tana by...


This course is for those who don't have the time to start exploring Tana by themselves and want to jump straight into this awesome tool.

David Delgado Vendrell

You'll learn How To...

WHo are we you ask...

Tana Central is built by... Tana Ambassador Santi Younger & Nick Silhacek

Hi I'm Nick!

I'm a veteran product designer and entrepreneur with 13 years of experience designing massively scaled software (like Jira).

I’ve founded two tech startups, and I hold a Master’s degree in Information Science.

Simplifying complex problems is one of my super powers, and I’m here to help you build powerful, personalized systems for knowledge management, productivity, and everything in between.
Hey Santi here!

For the last 4 years, I've been creating content that enables people to build powerful note-taking and productivity systems.

In the 18 months since I started using Tana, it has become my go-to app for managing content creation, CRM's, task management, and more.

More than 1,000 students have supercharged their productivity using my courses, and I’m looking forward to helping you leverage Tana like I have!

use TANA to Turn your best ideas into action

Develop the necessary skills to become a master of your productivity.

Increase your productivity to levels you've never seen before with Tana.

You either love our program, or you can use our 14-day refund, no questions asked.

Join an awesome community of dedicated productive professionals.


With this course you’ll learn Tana’s mechanics really quick. Santi’s style of teaching is very positive and boosts your energy to learn.


What Happens WHEN YOU JOIN?

Upon enrollment, you'll have access to our community, where you'll find the following:

“I can only show you the door.
You're the one that has to walk through it.”

─ Morpheus | The Matrix

You'll unlock The best possible learning experience

To put things in perspective we've charged over $400 dollars for just a 60 minute hour session...

When you get Tana One you get the chance to join 8 sessions.

These live sessions on their own should be priced at $1,000 by themselves, but obviously we won't charge you that.

You'll be able to get calls with us at a fraction of the price, plus a lot more value, such as...

tana One Curriculum

Every week you get fresh video lessons, Week 1 started on May 31st.

week 1:

Tana’s Keystone Features

Dive into Supertags and References, the building blocks of Tana’s power.

1.1 - Introduction to References
1.2 - Supertag Anatomy: The Attic
1.3 - Supertag Anatomy: Content Template
1.4 - Supertag Anatomy: Advanced Options
1.5 - Supertag Breakdown: Days and Meetings

week 2:

Mastering Information

Learn how to use Fields, Views, Displays, and other features to manage the collection and use of data.

2.1 - Recommended Naming Conventions
2.2 - Hiding Fields
2.3 - Optional Fields
2.4 - Alternative Ways to Add Fields to Supertags
2.5 - Making Fields Required or Discoverable
2.6 - Field Type Categories
2.7 - The Flex Field Promotion Ladder
2.8 - Explaining: Ancestor with Supertag
2.9 - Explaining: Ancestor with this Field
2.10 - Fields within Fields
2.11 - Planning for Innovation
2.12 - Constructing Fields with Intention
2.13 - Build, Test, Build
2.14 - Sampling the Dishes
2.15 - Stretch Lesson: Widgets & AI-enabled

week 3:

Organizing with Precision

Learn how Search Nodes powers much of the “magic” in Tana. Understand the purposes of less-understood aspects of Tana, like the Trash, Library, and Schema. Also some notes on Workspace management.

3.1 - Intro to Search Nodes
3.2 - The Query Builder's Anatomy
3.3 - AND, OR & NOT
3.4 - Test Your Logical Might
3.5 - Poking around the Query Builder
3.6 - Searching for Tasks - Getting Started
3.7 - Searching for Tasks - Finishing Up
3.8 - Building a Grocery Dashboard (#1)
3.9 - Building a Grocery Dashboard (#2)
3.10 - COMPONENTS REC - What is this witchcraft?
3.11 - Leveraging Semantic Functions
3.12 - Views: Lists, Cards, Related Content
3.13 - Views: Navigation, Tables, Filter, Sort
3.14 - The Schema, Library, and Trash

week 4:

Project Week - Building a System

Watch Nick build a complete template example and download the template to make it your own.

This example is based on a CRM for a made-up business called "Watch My Pet"

4.1 - Project Scaffolding and Pre-work
4.2 - Root Cause Analysis
4.3 - Building Blocks
4.4 - Creating Your Supertags
4.5 - Filling Supertags with Fields
4.6 - Adding Samples
4.7 - Adding Fields
4.8 - Field vs Supertag Strategy
4.9 - From Simple to Complex
4.10 - Scoping the Reservation System
4.11 - Incorporating Scheduling
4.12 - Current and Upcoming Reservations
4.13 - The Reservation Suite
4.14 - Campaign Strategy, part 1
4.15 - Campaign Strategy, part 2
4.16 - Campaign Strategy, part 3
4.17 - Prepping the Campaign Dashboard
4.18 - Campaign Dashboard Fields
4.19 - Project Prioritization
4.20 - Returning Data on Clients
4.21 - Troubleshooting Fields and Views
4.22 - The Freezer, the Fridge, and the Fire
4.23 - Pipeline Displays
4.24 - Finishing Touches
4.25 - Incorporating Innovations into Your Flow

week 5:

Advanced Functionality

Unlock the potential of Commands and Tana Paste for powerful customization and automation.

5.1 - Introduction to Commands
5.2 - Command Basics
5.3 - Prepping the Example
5.4 - Example Demo
5.5 - Creating Personal Shortcuts
5.6 - Command Chains
5.7 - Tana Paste
5.8 - User Confirmation
5.9 - Triggers & Node Filtering
5.10 - Meeting Agent Commands

week 6:

Cutting-Edge Tools

Learn how to push AI beyond the out-of-the-box experience, and leverage Tana Publish for seamless content creation and sharing.

6.1 - AI: From Statistics to Deep Learning
6.2 - Tell AI What you Want
6.3 - AI in Tana: The Basics
6.4 - Demo: Writing Center
6.5 - The 'Ask AI' Command
6.6 - Diving into Ask AI, part 1
6.7 - Diving into Ask AI, part 2
6.8 - Diving into Ask AI, part 3
6.9 - Writing Center Wrapup
6.10 - Tana Publish
6.11 - Nick's Voicenote Demo
6.12 - Introducing Command Cascades
6.13 - Breaking Down 'Record voicenote'
6.14 - Transcribing Audio
6.15 - Leveraging the New Event Triggers
6.16 - The Text Processing Agent
6.17 - Deep Demo: Recording a Voice

week 7:

Project Week - Advanced Build

Follow the creation of a more complex system that uses the latest, most advanced features (with a downloadable template).

7.1 - Innovation Station Orientation
7.2 - Lifecycle for a Ticket of Work (part 1)
7.3 - Lifecycle for a Ticket of Work (part 2)
7.4 - Breaking Down the Areas Section
7.5 - Building Titles & Opening Panels
7.6 - Transforming Tickets
7.7 - Optimizing Command Button UX
7.8 - How the Work Planning Was Built
7.9 - Behind the 'Do Today' Tab
7.10 - The 'Add to Calendar' Command
7.11 - Assigning to Users
7.12 - Under the Hood: Repeating Tickets
7.13 - Sharing Workspaces & Content
7.14 - Tips for Collaborating With Others
7.15 - Get the Innovation Station

week 8:

Integration and Innovation

Understand how Tana integrates with other useful tools and explore new developments and features.

8.1 - Readwise: Tweets & Podcasts
8.2 - Readwise: Articles, Videos, Emails
8.3 - Readwise: Exporting to Tana
8.4 - Making a Bot Watch Slack
8.5 - Making an Http Request
8.6 - Making Incremental Failures

Price Increases In:






Lifetime Access
2.5 Hours of Video Lessons
Lessons From Week 1 to Week 3
Advanced Lessons Coming
Access to Q&A Group Calls
5 hours of Call Recordings
Bonus Tana Templates

Tana ONE




Lifetime Access
8 Hours of Video Lessons
All Lessons Included
Advanced Lessons Coming
Access to Q&A Group Calls
10 hours of Call Recordings
Bonus Tana Templates


Does this program include the latest updates of Tana Core?

Yes, Tana released their paid plan "Tana Core" this includes a lot of new updates. Tana One is a fully updated program, created from the ground up to ensure it includes all of Tana's new features as of June 2024.

Do I need to pay for Tana to make the most of this course?

You can do a lot with Tana's free plan. You can definitely get a lot of value from our program with Tana's free plan. As we get more advanced, a paid plan of Tana is definitely helpful but not mandatory.

What do I get access to once I buy?

You'll get an instant invite to our Skool community where you'll have access to all the material and calendar events to join our calls.

When did the program start?

Week 1 of Tana One started on May 31, 2024 (check out the weekly curriculum above for more info).

We continue to release updated content week by week for 8 weeks. After the 8 weeks, you'll continue to have access to all the video lessons and call recordings.

If you join during these 8 weeks, you will have exclusive access to us through our Q&A group calls at no extra cost.

What if I’m completely new to Tana?

Our course starts with the basics and gradually builds to more advanced topics, ensuring you gain confidence and competence at every step.

How much time will I need to commit each week?

Expect to spend about 1-2 hours per week watching videos, plus additional time for practice and participation in our live Q&A sessions.

Can I integrate Tana with my current tools and workflow?

Yes, our course includes modules on integrating Tana with various tools and adapting it to your existing workflow, making it a seamless addition to your work environment.

What happens if I fall behind in the course?

You'll have access to all course materials for life, so you can catch up at any time. Plus, our community and live sessions provide support to get you back on track, and you also get access to recordings of every live Q&A calls.

Is there support available if I get stuck?

Absolutely! Aside from the weekly live Q&A sessions, you can post questions in our community forums where both peers and instructors can offer help.

What makes this course different from other Tana tutorials I can find online for free?

Our course is structured to provide not just how-to information but also why and when to use each feature, supported by real-time updates, live expert interaction, and community support.

Beyond that, Tana released a lot of updates in June 2024. This means that other online resources released before June 2024 are already outdated.

Tana One was made from scratch based on the latest updates of June 2024 after Tana released their paid plan, Tana Core.

Are live Q&A calls recorded?

Of course my horse, live calls will be recorded, so that you can rewatch them in your own time.

How interactive is the course? Can I get feedback on my progress?

The course includes weekly live Q&A sessions where you can get direct feedback from instructors, as well as community-driven discussion threads for peer-to-peer feedback and support.

What if Tana doesn’t work for my specific needs?

We offer detailed modules that cover various use cases and customization options. If you find Tana isn't fitting your specific needs, our live sessions are a great place to discuss custom solutions.

Also, if you are not happy with your purchase, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked, so that there's zero risk on your side.

Are there any prerequisites for taking this course?

No prior experience with Tana is required. We start with the basics and progressively cover more complex features, making the course suitable for both new and intermediate users.

I don't know any programming, is this course a good fit for me?

Absolutely, Tana can sometimes seems scarier than it is. What's incredible about Tana is that it allows everyone to build advanced productivity systems and AI workflows without needing to learn any code.

Is Tana One different from Santi's previous Tana course?

Tana One is a comprehensive revamp of Santi's previous Tana course. Now, Nick takes it to the next level with Tana's latest updates, and you get to join live Q&As with both Santi and Nick.

Please contact Santi if you are a previous buyer of Santi's course for an exclusive offer on Tana One.

How does the 14 day money back guarantee work?

If you are not happy with Tana One within 14 days of your purchase, just contact us and we'll refund your money, no questions asked.

At the end of the day, we could make this page twice as long, but nothing compares to you being able to experience Tana One by yourself. We want to assume all the risk so you can have the freedom to know that there are only two paths:

You either buy Tana One and love it, or you buy Tana One and get a refund.

There's zero risk on your side.

We are probably not being too smart about this generous refund, since obviously a lot of people could take advantage of it, but if this is what it takes to help you take the leap, we think it's worth it.

We hope to see you on the other side.